
September 03, 2014  •  1 Comment

So I had this idea, BLOOD for wings. Not sure where it came from but I just had to find a way to do it! It started with trying to figure out how to make a liquid that looks like blood, OH MY GOD there were a million ways to do it! So i did a TON of research and experimenting with food coloring, milk, paints, dyes and various thickening agents. In the end a weird mixture of finger paint did the trick! The set was published in "The International Magazine

You can purchase a digital copy or print here, it's actually a really cool magazine, fantastic art and wonderful sets!

Model is Tina Reshelle

Assistant is Lindsay Hill

So next was figuring out how to make the liquid spread out like wings on camera and how to light it



So i spent a few hours in the backyard with 2 lights, a bucket, a bowl, my camera and this BLOOD lol I can't remember how many times I tried until I finally got the hang of it. I ended up soaked, and boy i bet the lawn people were thinking WHAT THE HELL was i doing the night before! lol

IMG_3683-watermarkFBwell then, that looks like a wing


Throwing the liquid up in a certain way with the bowl created the spread wing effect like I was picturing in my head. so the next step was to get Tina the model into the studio, well outside the studio anyway, and setup a static shot for the background, then get her posed and add in the blood wings after we shoot the poses.

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We did 3 basic poses together and then my faithful partner in crime Lindsay Hill started throwing the paint up in the air. I think we shot for around 40 mins before i was happy with the amount of captures that simulate wings. I used a combination of my Alien bees 1600 with a beauty dish and my Canon 580exII speedlite with softbox and shot tethered to check the shots. I finally settled on ISO 640, F6.3 at 1/125 on my Canon 60D with the 18-135mm lens.


IMG_3930-watermarkFBIMG_3930-watermarkFB     IMG_3974-watermarkFBIMG_3974-watermarkFB


The next phase was to mesh it all together in Photoshop and add mood effects!






Kathy Cauldren(non-registered)
Awesome, creative, eye catching, expressive.. Love it and love you
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